It costs roughly $30 billion a year to pay for treatment and other costs related to whiplash. Whiplash is one of the most common car accident injuries that you are likely to incur, but it can be days or weeks before you notice any symptoms of this condition. What can you do to ensure that you get compensated for injuries that may not be apparent in the immediate aftermath of your car accident?
While you may feel fine in the moments or hours after a car crash, it does not mean that you were not hurt. Your doctor can do a full physical exam to potentially rule out any hidden ailments such as internal bleeding or a cracked skull that needs to be treated right away.
The records created during your trip to a medical care provider can be used as evidence that the accident was the proximate cause of any injuries that you experienced. It can also be used as evidence that you incurred a financial loss because of the accident. Incurring a financial loss is a key component of proving that another person acted in a negligent manner.
In the days or weeks after your accident, be sure to keep careful records of any physical pain that you experience. If you experience severe headaches, cramps, or bloating, you could have a head injury or an internal blockage. Unexplained digestive issues could also be caused by an internal blockage or organ failure.
Changes in mood could be caused by swelling in the brain or a concussion, which is why you should also keep track of any emotional issues that you experience. If you experience any sudden change in your physical or mental condition, see a doctor immediately as these could be related to your car accident.
Maximum medical improvement is a term that refers to the point at which you are not expected to get any better. For instance, if your neck pain has not gone away after several weeks of rest and physical therapy, it may be something that you deal with for the rest of your life.
Ideally, you will wait until you have given your body sufficient time to heal before considering how to proceed from a legal and medical standpoint. Doing so may make it easier to show that you have permanent limitations that will make it difficult to work or otherwise live a normal life. This may increase your chances of obtaining a larger financial settlement or a bigger jury award if your case goes to trial.
As a general rule, you have up to two years to file a lawsuit in a personal injury case. Therefore, you will not necessarily give up your right to compensation by waiting a few days or weeks to determine the true extent of your injuries. However, you may be pressured to sign a release form by an insurance company or another person involved in the accident.
By signing this form, you are waiving your right to seek damages in a future lawsuit. Furthermore, you may be limiting or waiving your right to seek damages through a negotiated settlement. As a general rule, you should speak with an Allentown accident lawyer before signing any type of waiver or settlement agreement.
Your attorney will likely be able to review a settlement offer or any other document that you have been asked to sign. He or she will then provide insight into whether it is in your best interest to do so. Legal counsel may also talk about other options that you may have so that you can make an informed decision.
If you are in need of an Allentown accident lawyer, contact the folks at Metzger & Kleiner today. You can reach the firm’s Philadelphia office by calling (215) 567-6616 or the Lehigh Valley office by calling (610) 435-7400 at your earliest convenience.
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