When your child is injured in his or her daycare facility, who can investigate what happened and take on facility owners and their insurers? When you’re angry or grieving following a daycare accident, who can provide answers, advocate for your rights and provide aggressive representation?
The attorneys of the Philadelphia and Allentown, Pennsylvania, law firm of Metzger & Kleiner have handled hundreds of personal injury cases in southeast Pennsylvania, including numerous cases involving children.
We are experienced in investigating harmful incidents that occur in care facilities such as daycare and nursing home facilities and are skilled at uncovering evidence of:
The cause of the injury or wrongful death is just one part of a successful daycare case. What are the owners or managers possibly hiding? What insurance policies apply to the accident? And is the confusing question of dual liability an issue? We can address all legal issues during the course of your lawsuit and fight for the full compensation you and your family are owed following daycare injuries or a fatality.
To set up a no-charge consultation with a Metzger & Kleiner attorney following a daycare accident, contact us by calling 1-800-228-1760.
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