Passenger Injuries in Automobile Accidents

Injured Passenger in a Car Accident

If you have been injured as a passenger in an automobile accident, you may have a claim against the driver of your vehicle, the driver of the other car, or both. You may have a claim against the manufacturer of one of the vehicles, or a component that malfunctioned, leading to your injuries. You may need to seek compensation from a municipality because of defects in the roadway. You want an experienced and knowledgeable lawyer to ensure that you pursue all potentially responsible parties. As an injured passenger in a car accident, you need to know your rights.

Your Right to Recovery as an Injured Passenger

The driver of any vehicle owes a duty to others to use reasonable care while operating the car, truck or motorcycle. This includes obeying all traffic signals and signs, paying reasonable attention to other vehicles or pedestrians, and driving at a safe rate of speed, given weather, light and other circumstances. When a driver fails to exercise the level of care expected of an ordinarily prudent person, he or she can be liable for any injuries that are a result of an accident.

It is important to understand that the fact that the driver of your car caused the accident does not prevent you from seeking recovery from either party to the accident. Frequently, both drivers in a collision have some degree of fault. Even if the driver of your vehicle was determined to be 100% at fault, you can still seek compensation for your losses. Furthermore, the fact that the driver was a family member or spouse does not preclude you from pursuing financial recovery for your losses.

When you have suffered physical injury as a passenger in an auto accident, your first avenue to seek compensation for your losses will likely be your health insurance provider. You may have deductibles or co-pays that come into play, and there may be limits to how much your insurance provider will cover. If you are not at fault in any way for your injuries, you should not have to incur any expense that ensues.

Contact Metzger & Kleiner

At Metzger & Kleiner, we provide a free initial consultation. To schedule an appointment, contact us by e-mail or call our office at 215-622-2210 in Philadelphia, 610-563-2186 in the Lehigh Valley, or toll free at 800-228-1760.

We take all motor vehicle accident injury claims on a contingency basis. We won’t charge attorney fees unless we recover compensation for your losses.

Metzger & Kleiner

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