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Archives for November 2013

Medication Errors that Lead to Medical Malpractice

Medication Errors that Lead to Medical Malpractice Modern pharmaceutical products have brought health and relief to millions. The proper drug, in the proper dosage, can ease pain and discomfort, minimize risk of infection, and even combat illness. However, when doctors, nurses or pharmacists are … [Read more...]

The Most Common Workplace Hazards

Common Workplace Hazards In the modern workplace, even though safety concerns are a regular topic of review and discussion, workers are still at risk of a broad range of injuries. Whether in an industrial setting, or in office or retail work, you can still be exposed to a wide array of workplace … [Read more...]

Are Product Liability Claims Worth the Effort?

Are Product Liability Claims Worth the Effort? If you have been injured by the malfunction of a product, or suffered loss because of the poor or negligent design of goods or merchandise, you may be considering whether it will behoove you to seek damages through a product liability claim. Here are … [Read more...]

What is an Attractive Nuisance?

We've all heard a story like this—a small child climbs a sand pile or wanders into a swimming pool, attracted simply by curiosity. Unfortunately, in many of these instances, all does not end well. The sand pile may collapse in on the child, or the child may not know how to swim. Under the law, … [Read more...]

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