Lehigh Valley: 610-435-7400

Philadelphia: 215-567-6616

How COVID-19 Affects Your Decision to Settle

Should You Settle Your Personal Injury Case Early? In July 2020, some Pennsylvania courts began to resume in-person trials with juries. However, for a lot of civil lawsuit plaintiffs, it may still be quite some time until they are able to have their own personal injury trials with juries present. … [Read more...]

Changes to Trucking Regulations Due to COVID-19

3 Changes to Trucking Rules for COVID-19 Federal and state governments have made numerous changes to their rules for truckers to facilitate deliveries of goods to alleviate critical shortages. However, this could pose more dangers to drivers on the road, and it may not relieve trucking companies of … [Read more...]

How Coronavirus Impacts Auto Accidents and Lawsuits

Auto Accidents in the Time of COVID-19 The COVID-19 outbreak has changed the way that life occurs in the U.S. as people remain at home and stay off the roads. Predictably, statistics have shown that car accidents are on the decrease, but that does not tell the whole story as driving habits may have … [Read more...]

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