Lehigh Valley: 610-435-7400

Philadelphia: 215-567-6616

PA’s Roads Named Among Most Dangerous During Winter

Winter brings beauty, but it also brings danger to roads across the United States. Snow, ice, and freezing rain create hazardous conditions that contribute to thousands of accidents each year. The Reality of Winter Driving Risks Winter is one of the most dangerous seasons for drivers. According to … [Read more...]

What to Do If You’re in a Hit and Run Accident

Legal Information in Pennsylvania Normally when you're in a car accident you exchange insurance information with the other driver. If you're hurt, the other driver will work to see to it that you receive the emergency care you need. What do you do, though, when you're injured and the other driver … [Read more...]

Pennsylvania Supreme Court Public Cases of Interest

Cases of important public interest will be easily accessible to both the public and the media, the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts recently announced. As of mid-July 2012, a new media and public information page was added to the intermediate appellate's website. President Judge … [Read more...]

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