Lehigh Valley: 610-435-7400

Philadelphia: 215-567-6616

When Businesses Can Be Sued for Personal Injuries

Determining Liability for an Injury That Occurs on Business Property Whether you have been involved in a slip and fall accident or were injured in an elevator, you may have grounds to file a lawsuit if the business owner is responsible for your injuries. Nearly 40% of spinal injuries occur from … [Read more...]

Determining When You Can File a Wrongful Death Lawsuit

In the event that someone you know has died as the result of wrongful actions by another person or entity, a wrongful death lawsuit could be filed. In 2019, more than 36,000 people died in car accidents, and many were caused by another driver's negligence. Before you look into filing a wrongful … [Read more...]

Types of Injuries That Are Covered by Homeowners Insurance

Homeowners insurance is a common form of insurance that's designed to provide protection against interior and exterior damage to the home as well as personal injury liability. Nearly 73 million injuries occur nearly every year that require medical treatment, many of which take place on someone … [Read more...]

Holding Manufacturers Accountable for Defective Medical Devices

The Importance of Holding Manufacturers of Defective Medical Devices Liable Pennsylvania has several laws that set forth that, under the strict liability concept, the person or company responsible for the manufacture or distribution of a defective product can be held liable for the resulting harm, … [Read more...]

What to Do After a Dog Bites You

How to File a Dog Bite Injury Claim Each year, roughly 4.5 million people are bitten by a dog. These bites can lead to all sorts of complications, ranging from severe infections to PTSD. If you want to get compensation for your injuries, you need to know how to file a dog bite lawsuit. Document … [Read more...]

Post-Accident Care for Pedestrians

Helpful Tips for Pedestrians Injured by Collision in Pennsylvania Between January 2018 and June 2019, approximately 163 Pennsylvania pedestrians suffered fatal injuries when they were struck by motor vehicles. Thankfully, many people survived similar incidents and were able to obtain emergency and … [Read more...]

Common Car Crash Injuries

Most Common Injuries After a Car Accident In 2015, one in every 44 individuals got into a reportable car accident in Pennsylvania, and that same year, 1 in 156 people involved in a traffic crash received injuries. Car accident injuries can result in high medical expenses, missed work and dramatic … [Read more...]

Attractive Nuisances: What They Are and Why You Should Be Concerned

Everything You Need to Know About Attractive Nuisances Each year, there are roughly 3,000 serious swimming-pool-related injuries. Swimming pools and other common property features can legally qualify as an attractive nuisance. In some cases, those who are injured by an attractive nuisance can seek … [Read more...]

What Are Some Common Construction Injuries?

Common Types of Injuries in Construction Sites A construction site is one of the most dangerous work environments out there. The work involved is quite physical and often requires the use of heavy machinery. Because of their work's inherent nature, construction workers face serious risks of … [Read more...]

Recourse for Defective Products Sold on Amazon

Can You Sue Amazon for Defective Product Damages and Injuries? In 2017, Amazon shipped more than 5 billion items just through its Prime Program. According to a released report from Amazon, entertainment products and assorted household care products were the most consumed products. When you order … [Read more...]

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