The Continued Rise of Cyclist Fatalities The NHTSA reports that 966 cyclists died on roadways in the U.S. in 2021. That is the highest count since 1975 and continues a trend since 2017 in which cyclist fatalities are up 5% overall from the previous five-year period. Allentown personal injury … [Read more...]
New Hope for Some Spinal Cord Injury Victims
New Treatment for Spinal Cord Injuries When you are involved in a serious car accident, there is a risk that your spinal cord will be injured. Nearly 18,000 Americans suffer from a spinal cord injury every year. Because the spinal cord consists of cells and nerves that transmit signals to the … [Read more...]
Was Your Philadelphia Hotel Room Infested With Bed Bugs?
Did Bedbugs Infest Your Home After Visiting a Philadelphia Hotel? About one out of five households deal with bed bugs in a given year, and the cost to exterminate the infestation ranges from $300 to $5,000. More than 70% of pest control professionals state that bedbugs are the most difficult … [Read more...]
How Reckless Driving Endangers Philadelphia Pedestrians
Pedestrian Accidents Increasing in Philadelphia Between 2009 and 2020, pedestrian accidents increased by more than 59%. In 2020, nearly 7,000 pedestrians died while crossing the street, which accounted for 17% of all traffic fatalities that year. If you or your loved one were the pedestrian in an … [Read more...]
Tired Truck Drivers Are More Likely to Cause Accidents
How Truck Driver Fatigue Endangers Everyone on the Road Truck driver fatigue causes an estimated 30% to 40% of accidents involving semi-trucks. Accidents with trucks are some of the deadliest due to their weight, speed, force, and cargo. If you've been involved in an accident with a truck, speaking … [Read more...]
Common Medical Errors in the Emergency Room
6 Common Emergency Room Medical Errors It may surprise you to learn that the third leading cause of death in the United States is not a common disease, but in fact, it is medical errors. This is unusually high compared to other developed countries, including Germany, the United Kingdom, Canada and … [Read more...]
Traffic Fatalities Spiked Throughout the US in 2021
Traffic Deaths Increase Across the US During 2021 Recent reports from transportation agencies show that there was a drastic increase in traffic deaths for most states during 2021, including Pennsylvania. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 42,915 people died in car … [Read more...]
Why Larger Vehicles Are More Dangerous for Pedestrians
How Trucks and SUVs Can Seriously Injure Pedestrians Pedestrians hit by SUVs are more likely to experience severe injuries or death compared to after being struck by a car. This is according to a study from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. SUVs and Trucks Are Designed Differently Than … [Read more...]
Ways to Prevent Distracted Driving
4 Tips for Preventing Distracted Driving Distracted driving is a problem that is growing in severity with cellphone use being one of the most common and dangerous sources of distraction. While many lives have been lost to distracted driving, the good news is that further accidents of this type are … [Read more...]
Personal Injuries From Falling Debris Truck Accidents
Steps to Take After a Falling Debris Truck Accident When debris or objects fall from a truck while the truck is on the road, it may seem minor, but it can cause major damage to not only other vehicles but to people as well. What Kind of Debris Falls From Trucks? Trucks travel to destinations … [Read more...]