Lehigh Valley: 610-435-7400

Philadelphia: 215-567-6616

Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit for Assault

Assaults and Civil Lawsuits In the United States, there are 250 cases of physical assault per 100,000 of the population. While many people think that assaults onle lead to criminal charges, these wrongful acts can be the basis for a personal injury lawsuit. Here are a few things that you need to … [Read more...]

Can You Sue for Pain and Suffering?

Understanding How Pain and Suffering Lawsuits Work Each year, over 400,000 personal injury lawsuits are filed. In these lawsuits, you often hear people talking about compensation for "pain and suffering," but what does this really mean? Check out our guide to learn how lawsuits for pain and … [Read more...]

How to File a Claim After a Bicycle Accident

Steps Involved With Filing a Bicycle Accident Claim Even if you wear a helmet and other protective gear while riding a bicycle, there's always the possibility of being injured if you're involved in a bicycle accident. In 2019, nearly 850 bicyclists died from injuries that they sustained in … [Read more...]

Post-Accident Care for Pedestrians

Helpful Tips for Pedestrians Injured by Collision in Pennsylvania Between January 2018 and June 2019, approximately 163 Pennsylvania pedestrians suffered fatal injuries when they were struck by motor vehicles. Thankfully, many people survived similar incidents and were able to obtain emergency and … [Read more...]

Cities Can Be Held Liable for Some Accident Injuries

A Municipality May Have to Pay for Your Accident Injuries If you've been hurt on public property in Pennsylvania, you may be able to sue the applicable municipality under certain circumstances. Nationwide, large cities incur median annual costs for personal injury settlements of $12,026,044. State … [Read more...]

Is Social Distancing a Defense Against a Personal Injury Lawsuit?

Is Social Distancing a Legitimate Personal Injury Defense? With over 6 million cases of COVID-19 in the United States right now, it's no surprise that the disease has been involved in all sorts of lawsuits. If you are filing a case, you may find the defense using COVID social distancing as an … [Read more...]

How COVID-19 Affects Your Decision to Settle

Should You Settle Your Personal Injury Case Early? In July 2020, some Pennsylvania courts began to resume in-person trials with juries. However, for a lot of civil lawsuit plaintiffs, it may still be quite some time until they are able to have their own personal injury trials with juries present. … [Read more...]

How to Tell If a Property Is Failing to Protect People From COVID-19

Signs That a Property Is Likely to Spread COVID With almost 5 million confirmed COVID-19 cases in the United States as of August 2020, it is important for landlords, retailers, and restaurant owners to provide safe environments for clients. Unfortunately, some are failing to meet basic safety … [Read more...]

What to Do If You’ve Been Harmed by Any of These Fake COVID-19 Cures

Fraudulent Claims of COVID-19 Cures May Cause Serious Health Effects The first case of COVID-19 in the USA was reported on January 20, 2020, and by March 13, the World Health Organization declared a pandemic. By August 5th, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported at least 4,748,806 … [Read more...]

Will Businesses Really Protect You From COVID-19?

Are Businesses Really Prioritizing Customer Health? With more than 7.5 million businesses at risk of closing due to COVID-19 lockdowns, it is no surprise that many companies are putting out ads telling customers it is still safe to visit their locations. Do protective measures like social … [Read more...]

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