Lehigh Valley: 610-435-7400

Philadelphia: 215-567-6616

How Your Truck Accident Claim Is Handled

How an Insurance Company Handles a Truck Accident Claim With Injury There are more than 2 million people who are injured in car and truck accidents every year. Despite how common these accidents are, many people are in the dark about what the claims process entails and the complications that can … [Read more...]

What You Need to Know About Whiplash

The Effects of Whiplash Following a Truck Accident Whiplash is a very serious condition that can occur during a truck accident, but it can be difficult to detect right away. It's been found that around 45 percent of people who suffer from whiplash after an accident still experience symptoms after … [Read more...]

How Truck Accident Cases Are Harmed by Social Media Posts

Why Social Media Causes Problems With Truck Accident Claims For a truck accident lawyer moving forward with a case, social media posts can be both blessings and curses. A truck accident attorney is looking for posts that indicate that an operator did something negligent like falling asleep at the … [Read more...]

Defensive Driving Techniques for Dealing With Commercial Trucks

Defensive Driving Around Large Commercial Trucks More than 4,400 large commercial trucks are involved in fatal accidents each year, and the trend has been an increase in those numbers of more than 2 percent annually. Understandably, much of the media focus is on the professional drivers: their … [Read more...]

Recovering Damages for Victims of Truck Accidents

Causes of Truck Accidents and Costs to Injury Victims The problem of commercial truck accidents has worsened in recent years, and the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety reported that truck accident fatalities rose by 27 percent from 2009 to 2016. Multiple factors contribute to truck crashes, … [Read more...]

Semi Truck Accidents in Pennsylvania

Information Regarding Your Rights After a Truck Accident Semi trucks operate differently than cars and pickups. When you are in an auto wreck involving a large commercial vehicle, then, it can be difficult to understand what caused the accident. The personal injury attorneys of Metzger & … [Read more...]

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