What to Do As a Passenger in a Car Accident If you are a passenger who was involved in a car accident, passenger liability usually doesn’t apply. You may be left with injuries that require immediate medical attention. Since you were not the driver in this situation, it’s important to know what you … [Read more...]
Steps to Take If You Were Injured in a Car Accident As a Passenger
How to File a Claim After a Bicycle Accident
Steps Involved With Filing a Bicycle Accident Claim Even if you wear a helmet and other protective gear while riding a bicycle, there's always the possibility of being injured if you're involved in a bicycle accident. In 2019, nearly 850 bicyclists died from injuries that they sustained in … [Read more...]
How Coronavirus Impacts Auto Accidents and Lawsuits
Auto Accidents in the Time of COVID-19 The COVID-19 outbreak has changed the way that life occurs in the U.S. as people remain at home and stay off the roads. Predictably, statistics have shown that car accidents are on the decrease, but that does not tell the whole story as driving habits may have … [Read more...]
How to Obtain Compensation for Delayed Injuries
Determining the True Extent of Your Accident Injuries It costs roughly $30 billion a year to pay for treatment and other costs related to whiplash. Whiplash is one of the most common car accident injuries that you are likely to incur, but it can be days or weeks before you notice any symptoms of … [Read more...]
What to Do When You Experience Car Accident Back Pain
What to Do About Car Accident Back Pain On average, the economic loss of a person involved in a car accident in Pennsylvania is $1,414 as reported by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation in 2017. If you suffer from a back injury, the costs can quickly add up. Fortunately, you can seek … [Read more...]
Using Dashcams After Accidents
Understanding Dashcams and How They Help After Accidents There were over 128,000 reported traffic crashes in Pennsylvania in 2018. Not all accidents present clear, obvious evidence that proves who was at fault; a hit-and-run with no surveillance cameras means you'll have to hope the culprit is … [Read more...]
What Happens If You’re in an Accident With a Driverless Car?
Driverless Cars and Liability Issues In October 2018, Pennsylvania authorized a driverless car manufacturer to begin testing vehicles on roads throughout the state. Though a more universal acceptance of self-driving cars is still some years in the future, it’s worth remembering that technology … [Read more...]
How to Prevent Passengers From Creating a Distraction
Staying Focused on the Road Instead of Your Passengers In 2018, there were about 4.5 million people injured in car accidents throughout the United States. Many accidents are caused by human error, such as driving while distracted by a passenger. Fortunately, there are steps that you can take to … [Read more...]
Know the Types of Distracted Driving
Distracted Driving Comes in Many Forms According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 3,166 lives were lost due to distracted driving in 2017. The Centers for Disease Control identify three types of distracted driving: cognitive, manual, and visual. Cognitive distraction refers to … [Read more...]
Safety Tips to Prevent Accidents While Driving in Bad Weather
Driving is something that you should always approach with a certain level of precaution, which is doubly true when you attempt to drive in poor weather. Taking the right precautions can help you mitigate the risk of getting into an accident. How to Account for Bad Weather When Driving Whether … [Read more...]