Lehigh Valley: 610-435-7400

Philadelphia: 215-567-6616

Swimming Pool Accidents and Injuries

Potential Causes and Aftermath of a Pool Accident Drowning is the second-leading cause of death among children between the ages of 5 and 14. Children may be exposed to higher levels of harm even if they are supervised and are confined to wading pools or other shallow bodies of water. Of course, … [Read more...]

Should Trucks Have Side Underride Guards?

Safety Groups Question the NHTSA Side Underride Analysis Federal regulations require commercial vehicle operators in Pennsylvania and around the country to install impact guards to the rear of large trucks to prevent underride accidents. These safety devices are known as “Mansfield bars” because … [Read more...]

Factors That Can Increase the Risk of a Fatal Wreck

Factors That Can Increase the Risk of a Fatal Wreck Between 2012 and 2021, there were 507,728 drivers in the United States involved in a fatal accident. Of those, 4.66% were charged with criminal or traffic offenses related to those accidents. A review of those cases found that certain actions … [Read more...]

Pedestrian Deaths Have Fallen Amidst an Ongoing Safety Crisis

Pedestrian Deaths Have Fallen Amidst an Ongoing Safety Crisis Since 2019, pedestrian fatalities have been near or at record levels. As an example, in 2021, 176 pedestrians died in Pennsylvania as a result of vehicle incidents. While pedestrian deaths are still high, last year's data indicates … [Read more...]

Why a Car Rolls Over During an Accident

In 2020, there were more than 5 million motor vehicle collisions in the United States. Distracted driving and speeding were both cited as major causes of those wrecks, and they are also among the common causes of rollover accidents. The Mechanics of a Rollover Crash A rollover accident … [Read more...]

Cellphone Use Is a Growing Road Safety Problem

Your smartphone knows what you say, where you go and what you search for on the internet, and the data it gathers can also reveal whether or not you make calls, send text messages or watch videos while behind the wheel. Road safety experts believe that distraction from cellphone use is one of the … [Read more...]

How to Spot – and Avoid – a Distracted Driver

How to Protect Yourself From Distracted Drivers Each year, around 390,000 road users are injured in distracted driving accidents. Since distracted drivers are one of the leading causes of car accidents, it pays to be able to spot and avoid them. Here are some tips that can help you stay safe on … [Read more...]

The Dangers of E-scooters

E-scooter Accidents Are on the Rise When the electric scooter boom first started in 2018, this new mode of transportation seemed like a promising way to provide people with a cheap, convenient way to get around. Unfortunately, the e-scooter boom has turned into a public nuisance. More and more … [Read more...]

When Knee Replacement Surgery Gets Botched

What To Do After a Botched Knee Replacement Surgery People who decide to undergo knee replacement surgery do so with the expectation of relief and improved mobility. However, the surgical procedure may not go as planned in some cases. These instances only occur in 7% of surgeries, but when they do … [Read more...]

Could Roundabouts Increase Traffic Safety?

Understanding Roundabouts' Effects on Traffic Did you know that the number of roundabouts in the United States has almost doubled in the past decade? Though this form of intersection is still somewhat rare, it's becoming an increasingly popular way of dealing with unsafe areas. Here's what you need … [Read more...]

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