Lehigh Valley: 610-435-7400

Philadelphia: 215-567-6616

City of Philadelphia Settles 21 Suits Involving the Narcotics Field Unit

The Narcotics Field Unit, a division of the City of Philadelphia's Police Department invaded small bodegas and smoke shops in the City, saying they were searching for the small plastic bags often used to package drugs. The merchants complained that the officers were stealing cash and merchandise … [Read more...]

The Primary Causes of Motorcycle Accidents

Major Causes of Motorcycle Accidents In a study conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in 2006, a motorcycle accident results in a fatality more than six times as often as a car crash. The NHTSA found that there were more than 72 fatal crashes per 100, 000 accidents for … [Read more...]

Swimming Pool Accidents

As we move into summer and the weather gets hot, many of us look forward to the relaxing and refreshing waters of a community or country club pool. Unfortunately, more than 50,000 people end up in hospital emergency rooms every year because of swimming pool accidents. According to the National … [Read more...]

Product Liability – Dangerous Household Products

In our modern world, we have an amazing array of household products that have brought convenience, comfort, increased health and safety to our lives. However, when poorly designed or manufactured, many of these products can also be extremely dangerous. Every year, thousands of people suffer serious … [Read more...]

Teen Driving

What is the number one killer of teenagers in America? It's not drugs…it's motor vehicle accidents. According to a recent study, more than 14,000 teenagers are killed in car accidents every year. Even though teenagers comprise just 13% of all licensed drivers, they account for almost a third of … [Read more...]

What to Do if your Auto Insurance Claim is Denied

It comes as a surprise to most people. You purchase a policy of automobile insurance, and make your payments in a timely manner. You are involved in an accident and file a claim for property damages, as well as physical injuries. The facts seem clear and there appears to be no question that you are … [Read more...]

Automotive Defect Liability-Protecting your Rights after a Car Accident

In most personal injury claims, in order to recover damages for your losses, you must show that the person who hurt you acted negligently, that they failed to exercise a reasonable amount of care, thereby leading to your injury. However, when you have been hurt because of a defect in the design or … [Read more...]

Workplace Accidents Involving Teenagers

If you are under the age of 21 and have been hurt on the job, what are your rights? Can you refuse to work in conditions that you believe are unsafe? Do you have a right to file a claim for workers' compensation? Can you report your employer to the state or federal worker protection agencies? … [Read more...]

Pennsylvania Enacts Voter Identification Laws

If you want to vote in a public election in Pennsylvania, you must now show a photo ID. The new law, supported primarily by Republican lawmakers, mimics legislation in other GOP-controlled states. Democrats contend that the measures are specifically targeted to suppress voter-turnout by individuals … [Read more...]

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